Tell World Leaders to Wise Up! (Under 18s)

As young people we are telling world leaders that now is the time to ‘Wise Up’ to the future.

Ahead of the United Nations Summit of the Future, we are demanding that World Leaders take seriously this historic, once in a generation moment to safeguard our future.

From health crises, to conflict to environmental disasters, the world is facing numerous interconnected crises. The impacts of these crises are felt everywhere but particularly on those at the forefront of extreme poverty, food insecurity, and climate injustice. We need change. We need world leaders to foster global cooperation and willingness to take the necessary steps to create a more peaceful, sustainable and secure world.

We can no longer accept small gestures of action that are far from what science says needs to be achieved. Nice words of hope or tokenistic attempts to include young people in decision making spaces does not deliver generational change. This is our shared future. Time is running out. We are doing our part to shape our future through climate strikes, volunteering in our communities, and creating sustainable business practices. Our voices matter. We want a seat at the table where our future will be decided.

Our Asks:

We call on world leaders to ‘Wise Up!’. The time for party politics and using positions of power to further self-interests is over. We need world leaders who are willing to step up in a time of so many crises, lead the way, and take the bold actions required to safeguard the future for all. We call for a people and community centered approach at the heart of decision making. And we call on you to hold those who are damaging our climate and future to account.

We call on world leaders to tackle global issues in an interconnected way. Climate change is exacerbating issues such as hunger, conflict, poverty and gender inequality which are negatively impacting young people’s lives, their physical and mental health and their opportunities for the future. We call for increased funding and training for local farmers in climate resilient agricultural practices to tackle both food insecurity and the climate crises.

We demand more involvement in decision making spaces. We believe that in order to tackle global issues such as climate change, food insecurity and conflict young people must be meaningfully involved in the decision and policy making processes on issues which impact our future. We demand to be heard and not just listened to.

We urge world leaders to foster global cooperation and prioritise sustainability and climate action through strengthening and enforcing climate policies and international agreements. We urge through agreements such as Loss and Damage, these countries remit finances towards countries which have done the least to cause the problem.

We demand an end to Fossil Fuels. Climate change has shifted the trajectory of young people’s lives. The decisions of world leaders and polluting sectors such as fossil fuel industries have put us in this crisis. You can also get us out of it. We need to shift the blame from the individual and demand systemic change. We demand the phase out of fossil fuels, a just transition for all and the endorsement of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

We urge investment in creating safe spaces such as youth centres where young people can take part in recreational activities, and access services and opportunities such as mental health counselling services and job training programs. We also urge additional investment in information services where young people can learn about resources and opportunities available to them.

We are asking for climate justice education that is sustainable, inclusive and accessible. Recognising the interconnectedness of the SDGs, we believe climate education is key to achieving SDG 13 Climate Action. Young people are vital to raising awareness. We are asking for young people to be empowered through education.

We invite people of all backgrounds, ages, genders, race and religions to come together in solidarity to address the issues of our time and create a better world for all.

“A youthless policy is a useless policy”

This version is for under 18s. If you are over 18, please sign this version here.


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